Friday, January 25, 2019

From Hau to Hala (Sun)

Exiting the Cavern and the Trial, we battle Hau!

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Drowzee is more than tough enough to take him on! After his defeat, Kukui arrives and tells us that he has lost track of Lillie. 

Before continuing, I decided to evolve Kadabra into Alakazam. 

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Or more likely, these two rascals 
ran off on him 

Traversing into Route 3, we come across the Melemele Meadow! 

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Lillie tells me that Nebby has run off and can't defend itself, so its up to me to reach it before allergy season does. Nebby is relaxing at the back of the meadow, and after finding it we can continue on our journey! 

Making my way through the rest of Route 3, I return to Iki Town to face down old Hala. 

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My entire team has a type advantage, so this was a cakewalk for Trumbeak and Alakazam. 

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Perhaps the next island will provide a bit more of a challenge. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Legend of Korra (moon)

Over in Ultra Moon, I have started the Water Tribe Team!

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The rules here are the same as the Air Nomad Team, except of course for the types of Pokemon I can use. I can only use Pokemon that are some combination of Water, Ice, Grass, Poison, Bug, and Normal. They can be received either in game or through Wonder Trade. If they change types upon evoloving, they can no longer qualify, Mega Evolutions are okay to use no matter what. That about covers it, so lets get started! 

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The Player Character for this time through, if you hadn't already guessed, is Korra! 

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Actually starting the adventure, the first thing I received was a Bounsweet, which will serve as the starter for this run. 

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This thing 

I was actually pretty surprised that I didn't get a Water-type first, seeing as how its the most common type in the entire game, but that's the joy of randomness. I also received a Spiniarak and Staryu for the start of this journey. 

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We all know how dangerous a cute bug can be

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I won't be able to evolve it, but it was Misty's 
ace in the early part of the anime 

Bounsweet and Staryu are both higher levels, so the only one I can really use right now is Spinirak. Oh joy. Anyway, Spinirak mostly takes care of the punks at the Trainers school, and only occasionally did I need to switch to Bounsweet for any reason. We made it through and journeyed into the big city! 

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With all its bright lights! 

Travelling through the city and into Route 2, I also obtained a Vanillite and a Vaporeon. The Vaporeon at level 34, is a little beyond what I can use right now, but Vanillite is level 1, which is much more workable. 

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This evolutionary line is either the laziest or 
most inspired design, and I don't think I'll ever know which 

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By the time I reach the Verdant Cavern, Bounsweet has evolved into Steenee and Vanillite is of a competitive level, and so its time to enter the cave and face the dangers within! 

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Working our way through the Rattata and Team Skull Grunts, its time for the showdown with the Totem Pokemon! 

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With a combination of Infestation and Poison Sting, Spinirak manged to wear down the giant rat, and Vanillite was able to send it packing! 

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My adorable little duo 

Upon exiting, we have our usual battle against Hau, save Nebby and Lillie from the Meadow and again encounter the Ultra Recon Squad before having circled all the way back around to Iki Town. During these adventures, I obtained a Pyukumuku, Glailie, Lombre, Deerling, Magikarp, Spinda, and Kecleon. I'm not sure which I'll start adding to the rotation just yet, but I'll mention them when I add them to the team. 

Back in Iki Town, its time to face the Island Kahuna! 

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The combined team work of Spinirak, Steenee, and Lombre take him down! 

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After gaining the ability to smash through rocks with Tauros, its back around the Island to get all the goodies hidden behind them before off to the beach and the next Island. 

Along the way, I obtained a Phione, Ekans and Wimpod. Spinarak also evolved into Ariados! 

At the end of the first Island, the rotation is Staryu, Steenee, Vaporeon, Ariados, Deerling, Vanillite, Lombre, Ekans, Wimpod, and Phione. I'm certain favorites will arise as the adventure goes on.