Thursday, May 30, 2019

Beaches, Volcanoes, and Other Places

Leaving Dewford Town behind, Mr. Briney gives us a ride to Route 109, and after battling the trainers there we head to Slateport City. Our first stop, after the Pokemon Center of course, is the Shipyard, where I am informed that Captain Stern has gone missing. I'm told his last known sighting was at the Museum, so that's where we go. And low and behold, Team Magma has taken it over!

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After sending them packing, we find Captain Stern upstairs, completely oblivious to all the happenings downstairs. We give him the Devon Goods, and he goes on his way and we go on ours.

We head north on Route 110, and catch a Voltorb and a Minun.

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Wonder Trade is slow going in this Generation

Seeing as how we have now bike, its the long way for us. On the way, we meet May, and we have a battle. Her Shroomish and Slugma weren't really much trouble, but Marshtomp has an advantage over my entire team, except Poochyena, which didn't stay a Poochyena after this. 

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After a long trek, we finally reach Mauville City! 

Mauville City.png

After a quick rest, we head to the Gym, and out front is Wally! He challenges us to a battle with his Ralts, and then he and his uncle go on their way. 

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Maybe next time, little guy 

After that we head into the Gym, to face Wattson! 

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Laugh while you can, old man 

Litleo and Houndour take care of him pretty handily and he gives us the Dynamo Badge. Next, we stop and get a bike, and then move on to Route 111 where I take on and defeat the Winstrate Family for some decent experience all around. 

From there, we head through Route 112 and up to the top of Mt. Chimney. 

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At the top, we again see Team Magma, only this time they are locked in combat with Team Aqua! I defeat Maxie, and recover the Meteorite. 

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Also known as Senor Sourpuss 

After beating them and sending them packing, I head down Jagged Pass and into Lavaridge town, to take on the next Gym! 

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To take her on, I predominately used my electric types, Luxio and Minun did the trick and Luxio even evolved! 

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After the battle, its off to Petalburg City, for a showdown with the old man...

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Once I got to him, Litleo and Electrode where enough to defeat him. 

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Getting the fatherly love I always sought, its time to move on! 

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A few minor things, Electrike also evolved into Manectric and Houndour into Houndoom. I also went to Latias and Latios' island and got the Mega Stone, but can't use them on this team because they are part Psychic type.