Monday, August 26, 2019

Avatar Roku

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I finally reached Victory Road, and after traversing it, faced the first of my adversaries, Wally! 

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With a combination of Mightyena, Houndoom, and Electrode he stood no chance! 

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Moving past Victory Road, I reach the Pokemon League! With this now as a location I can Fly back to, I go and find the Move Deleter, as to eliminate the unwanted HM's my Pokemon know. On the way, I found the Houndoomite and Wonder Traded for the ever elusive Dragon-type I've waited the whole game for, Druddigon! 

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Welcome, friend. We've been waiting for you 

And with this, we head off to face the Elite Four and their Champion! 

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First up, is the Dark-type Master, Sidney! His Dark Pokemon quickly fell to the combined might of Pyroar and Manectric! 

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Up next, Phoebe, and her spooky Ghost-types! However, the tables turned they where spooked instead by Pyroar and Houndoom! 

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Up next, was the Ice-queen Glacia! Her frozen compatriots were thawed out by Pyroar and Luxray! 

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And the final member of the Elite Four, Captain Drake! His Dragon-types gave me quite a bit of trouble, and it was all in all a full team effort with Druddigon, Mightyena, and Houndoom doing most of the heavy lifting. 

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With the Elite Four out of the way, its time to face the toughest trainer in the land, Steven Stone! 

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With the power of Houndoom, Luxray, Pyroar and Druddigon I prevailed and was crowned Hoenn's newest Chapmion! 

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After being entered into the Hall of Fame and the credits roll, we are challenged one final time by our rival, May! 

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The battle wasn't even close, especially now that Druddigon can handle her Swampert, unlike everything else I have. With her defeat, Roku's journey comes to an end, and he can finally claim the title of Avatar! 

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