Sunday, August 4, 2019

Up to Speed

After a long and unintentional hiatus, I am back! I've been busy with other things, and don't remember all of the details of my journey through Kalos and Hoenn up to the seventh badge. I don't remember all of the routes or what I got when, and I am going to combine both of them into this post before detailing the trials of the respective Evil Team bases in future posts.

We are going to start with Omega Ruby first and catch up briefly with Roku. I decided to drop Plusle and Minun from the rotation because they don't do anything that Manectric and Electrode don't already do, and they aren't as powerful.

Image result for plusle and minun
I still love them, though 

I think Litleo was the only thing that hadn't evolved previously, and she is now a Pyroar. Here is the full team for a quick recap. 

Image result for mightyenaImage result for houndoomImage result for electrodeImage result for manectricImage result for pyroarImage result for luxray
One of these things is not like the others 

With this crew, we headed out of Petalburg City and made our way to the Weather Institute where Team Magma was causing trouble. After defeating Tabitha and his goons, we make our way over to Fortree City, and after Steven gives me the Devon Scope, we clear the Kecleon out of the way and challenge Winona for the Gym Badge. Mightyena's Ice Fang took care of her Altaria, and Manectric the rest of her team. 

After obtaining the Feather Badge, we make our way to Mt. Pyre. As we enter, we make our way to the top battling trainers and Team Magma goons. We defeat Courtney, and she takes off with the Red Orb anyway. For me, its off to Mossdeep City and the seventh Badge! 

After navigating the gym, I finally reach them, and the dark powers of Mightyena and Houndoom do the Twins in. After leaving the gym, there's a huge explosion and Steven arrives to send us off to deal with the trouble. 

And now that we are caught up with Roku and his adventures in Hoenn, lets head over to Kalos, and catch up with Kyoshi. 

Starting off with the team and the rotation, its gotten pretty large and during a round of Wonder Trading towards the end, I ended up with a Tyrogue. So as of now, the rotation is as follows...

Image result for diggersbyImage result for panchamImage result for gigalithImage result for sawkImage result for tyrogueImage result for machampImage result for zangooseImage result for marowakImage result for klang pokemonImage result for hippowdonImage result for lucario

It's a sizeable group right now. On the next post exclusively for X, hopefully I'll have made a decision about which ones to eliminate from the roster. 

We head out from Lumiose City in the direction Laverre City and the next badge, and after a terrible scary story make it mostly unscathed. We challenge Valerie and her Fairy types, but defeat them all, I don't remember with which Pokemon. 

Shauna and Trevor then arrive and we all head off to the Pokeball factory that is under siege by Team Flare. We team up with Calem to take on Celosia and Bryony and send them packing. As a reward, I get a Master Ball. 

Heading to Dendemille Town, and the Frost Cavern, we again find Team Flare harassing a poor Abomasnow. We send Mable packing and hop on the back of a Mamoswine to reach Anistar City, where our seventh badge awaits us. There, we battled Olympia and with a combonation of Hippowdon and Zangoose, we walk away victorious! 

The victory is short lived, however, as Cyrus calls everyone on XTransever (I think that's the phone thingy in this game) and tells them that he's going to kill everyone unless a pair of 11 year old's stop him. 

That was alot to cover, and I realize its not the best post to have up, but its a start and I'll stay more on top of my challenges and posts, especially since a new set of games will be coming out in November. 

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