Friday, November 2, 2018

From the Highest Peaks to the Lowest Dungeons

A couple of quick rule changes before we continue on our adventures. In playing further in, the games only really change at the trials. My last entry, I combined the two adventures into one and moving forward I'm going to do much more of that.

I'm going to remove the limit on how many Pokemon I can catch per route. It was mostly in place to limit the amount of choices I had on my initial run through. Because all of the other teams are limited in other ways, it will still balance out. 

The other rule I'm going to change is that the final team is the 6 that defeat the Elite Four. I'm changing that to any eligible Pokemon obtained during the run. 

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Moving away from the second Trial and on to Royal Avenue! In the Battle Royale, I used Aerodactyl in Sun and Combusken in UltraMoon. Both times I had them take out Gladion's Type: Null. 

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Cuz he's a jerk 

Past Royal Avenue, is Kiawe's trial at the Wela Volcano. After watching the dances and fighting the Pokemon, the Totem Marowak and Salazzle attacked. 

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However, they weren't too difficult. Aerodactyl took care of the Totem Marowak and Brionne took care of the Totem Salazzle. 

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Victory is sweet 

On Route 8, Gastly evolved into Haunter and I immediately evolved it into Gengar and Meowth evolved into Persian, completing the evolutionary process for Diana's team! 

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Moving into the Lush Jungle, Mallow has me search for the perfect ingredients for the soup she's going to make with Lana and Kiawe. 

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After collecting the various ingredients from various places around the jungle and fending off the Pokemon that want to eat them, the Totem Fomantis attacks! 

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However, it was no match for the combined efforts of Beautifly and Glaceon 

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Nor was it a match for Combusken! 

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After this trial, its through Diglett's Cave on the way to Olivia's trial. After getting a letter from her Probopass, its off to the Ruins of Life! On the way we encounter Team Skull harassing poor Faba. Defeating the two Grunts earns the ire of their Big Sister! 

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Skull hair, don't care!

After sending her and her goons off crying, we finally reach the Island Kahuna at the Ruins of life, to begin her Trial! 

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In Pokemon Sun, it was the hardest battle I've had so far, and it took the entire team to defeat her because I don't have anything with an advantage over Rock types. That's the point of these challenges though, find ways new ways to defeat old foes. 

UltraMoon on the other hand was much easier as Dartrix and Frogadier took car of her with no problems. 

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After obtaining the Rockium-Z, its off to meet Faba at the Fancy Pants Hotel! 

Image result for fancy hotel

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