Saturday, November 10, 2018

Journeys of Ula'Ula Island

We start this chapter with Faba taking us to the Aether Foundation. We meet Lusamine and Wicke. When all of the sudden a hole rips open and an interdenominational monster comes through and attacks!

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After sending it packing, Lusamine thanks us and we head off to Ula'ula Island! 

When we first arrive in Malie City, we are challenged to a battle by Hau. In pokemon Sun, this wasn't much of an issue, since I was able to type match his pokemon pretty easily. 

In UltraMoon, however, his Raichu DECIMATED my team and I actually lost! 

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Actual gameplay footage

I didn't have Jolteon on the team, and a mix of Psychic and Electro Ball pretty much eliminated anything I threw at it. Hau was very gracious in his victory. 

We go into the Malie Garden to meet the professor, and Hau sends us the long way around, while he just crosses the bridge to find him. 

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I guess winners get to pick the path...

After finding Professor Kukui, he sends us off to Hokulani Observatory for the Island's first Trial. To get there, we pass through Route 10 and help a nice old lady recover her Stufful before taking the bus up the mountain. Along the way, all of the starters for UltraMoon evolve into their final forms. 

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Kukui goes up with us and shows us Mount Lanakila, the sight of the brand new Pokemon League. 

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After the conversation with Kukui, we go on to the Trials. In Sun, its just a trivia game in the dark that Aerodactyl swept right through. 

In UltraMoon, I start by gathering all of the Charjabug feeding, and then head into the observatory and the actual Trial Room. After arranging the Charjabug and the Totem Togedemaru attacked, and Blaziken blazed right through it. 

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Get it? "Blazed right through it" and its 
called Blaziken. Yeah, you get it 

 After the trial, we go back to the Malie Garden where we meet Big Bad Guzma. 

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He challenges us to a battle, and Beautifly and Jolteon took care of him. 

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After sending him and his goons packing off to Po Town, Kukui tells us about the Aether House and Acerola's trial. Off through Routes 11 and 12 to the Aether House, where Hau, Lillie and Acerola all meet us and Acerola gives up permission to enter the abandoned shopping center. 

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Shopping spree! 

In going through the trial we take pictures of the OG ghost types. 

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So photogenic 

Incineroar tore through the trial with little trouble in UltraMoon, while in Sun it took the combined efforts of Persian, Gengar, and Aerodactyl to complete the trial. 

Upon returning to the Aether house, we learn that Plumeria arrived and kidnapped the young girls Yungoos, and took it to their base in Po Town. 

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