Saturday, April 6, 2019

Island Time (OmegaRuby)

After successfully defeating Roxanne, we head to the Devon Corporation where we are asked to recover the stolen goods from a thief who has run off to Rusturff Tunnel. I head out along Route 116 to corner and defeat the thief, who it turns out is a member of Team Magma!

Image result for team magma grunt
Try as you might, you just can't beat 
Team Flare's style 

He returns the stolen goods and runs off to places unknown, for the moment anyway. 

Upon returning to the Devon Corporation and returning their goods, the President of the company himself asks me to deliver a letter to his son on in Dewford Town. Back down Route 104 and back through Petalburg Woods I go to Mr. Briney's house, who kindly gives us a ride. 

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First up, just north of Town, is Granite Cave, and our first stop on the island. Deep in the cave, we find Steven Stone, looking at an ancient painting. 

Image result for steven stone

I give him the letter from his dad, and he thanks me before telling me about the distant pass and going on his way. 

Exiting the cave, we battle a few trainers and Shinx evolves into Luxio. 

Image result for luxio

This is what I need because of the three Pokemon I have, its the only one that could possibly defeat Brawly's Fighting-types. Poochyena being Dark-type and Litleo being part Normal both have huge weaknesses. Luxio's Intimidate ability will also help with lowering the opponent's attack stat. 

With our hope really in the hands of one Pokemon, we head over to the Gym, and Luxio sweeps the whole thing! 

Image result for luxio

After the battle, I'm able to do some Wonder Trading, and receive a Houndour and an Electrike. 

Image result for houndourImage result for electrike

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