Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A Tale of Two Trials

Heading away from the Dome and to the Wela Volcano, I caught a Fletchling that I traded for a Wishiwashi. Further up the active volcano, is the Trial Site.

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Because safety and practicality are for suckers 

The trial itself wasn't that hard. 

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Now, spot the difference 

The battle with the Hiker was his Magmar against Turtonator. 

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Actual screenshot 

The Hiker actually brings up the same question I had with the first Trial when Team Skull showed up, how are people supposed to do the trial without interference? Is he just an asshole tourist who decided to photo bomb a young girls Trial and then was forced to fight? Or is he just always there? Anyway, Turtonator cleaned him up nicely and then Mudbray took care of the Totem Marowak. 

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Move over, Kong, there's a new Donkey in town 

After going down to the bottom of the Volcano, we head towards Route 8, where I caught a Stufful and traded it for an Aerodactyl. It's level 44, and I like my team right now, but I may swap it in later if I feel the need. 

Into the Lush Jungle for the next Trial! 

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After gathering the necessary ingredients from around the Jungle, and battling the Pokemon not happy with what I took, comes the Totem Pokemon! 

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Another giant bug 

Turtonator has the solution for that! 

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After Lurantis is taken care of, we can pass through Diglett's Tunnel and take on the second Island Kahuna! 

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