Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Adventures on Route 6

Heading towards Route 6, we run into a pair of Sudowoodo. But once they see I have a shiny rock that allows me to use a ridiculously overpowered water type attack, they run away. 

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Artist interpretation 

As the Sudowoodo run away, Space Mustache and his lady friend arrive and battle me with baby Frieza. 

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But fear not, for I had my answer! 

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And after they left and a little further down, my Team Numbskull buddies showed back up! They still can't dance (or battle) to save their lives, but never give up on your dream, guys! After they left, Hapu gave me some encouragement on my journey and took off herself. Finally, before leaving Route 6 I caught a Pikipek and traded it for a level 42 Furfrou. 

Entering Royal Avenue, we encounter Gladion outside the Battle Royal Dome. We follow him inside, and meet Hau and the mysterious Masked Royal! 

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We enter the four-way free for all of my Turtonator vs. Rockruff vs. Torracat vs. Type:Null, and they immediately gang up on poor Turtonator...

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It's because I'm the player's Pokemon, isn't it? 

But the joke's on them, for I have a solution to that problem, and it's called Rest! After recovering Turtonator's health, we use Sleep Talk, which uses...

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...Rest...again...which does nothing because its already asleep. Luckily, Torracat and Type: Null team up on Rockruff and the match ends. I don't know if I won, but I didn't lose. 

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Life Lesson: You can't lose a four way free for all 
if you sleep through it! 

And now, on to the next Trial, at the top of an active volcano! 

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