Monday, February 25, 2019

A Shockingly Spooky Time

After landing in Ula'ula Island, we first battle Hau.

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As per the norm, we beat him pretty easily. Moving into the Malie Garden, we wander around until we eventually meet the Professor. 

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If only... 

Kukui sends us off to Mount Hokulani and its Observatory for the next trial. Taking place indoors, it is vary appropriately an electric Trial ran by Sophocles. 

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He's still working out the kinks of his trial. 

First up is Aang. The lights go out and after passing a quick quiz, Toucannon takes care of the pre-Totem bug types that show up. Then, the Big Bug himself arrives! 

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Toucannon puts a decent dent in it thanks to the Firium-Z its holding, but sadly isn't a match for its powerful electricity. The second Charjabug it summons doesn't help either. After that, Clefairy, Ribombee, Misdreavus and Gardevoir manage to defeat the pair of creepy crawlies. 

Korra had a little bit rougher of a time as she doesn't really have anything to counter the Electric and Steel Togedemaru. 

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Who would have guessed a steel ball 
could be so fluffy? 

Sawsbuck and Lombre did most of the damage with Jump Kick and Brick Break respectively, but it took the full team to truly defeat it and the Skarmory it summoned. 

Anyway, after a couple of near repeats to what happened in the Lush Jungle, its back to Malie Garden we go to again meet the Professor. 

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     No, not him either

However, this time we find Kukui has company. 

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And it is less than friendly 

After a quick battle, in both versions it was quick, he makes like a Wimpod and retreats. Kukui then tells us the location of the next Trial after we return is wrestler mask to him. 

After travelling around half the island, we arrive at the Aether House and meet Acerola, who tells us to go take pictures of a ghost in an abandoned shopping center. 

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I a'int afraid of no ghost! 

Travelling along a rainy beach, we eventually reach the trial site. Acerola starts the Trial, and in we go. For Aang, Toucannon gets through Gastly and its evolutions. Phione does the same for Korra. Then, in the custodian closet for some reason, we snap a picture of the Totem Pokemon! 

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Say cheese! 

Much like the last couple of trials, I just had to work through my team until I wore it down and was able to defeat it. 

This is the challenge part of something like this. I don't have much of a type advantage and because of the randomness of the Pokemon I receive and which leads to a limited move pool. However, I will overcome and destroy this challenge!!! 

After defeating the trial, its back to the Aether House, where Plumeria battles and then informs us that they've taken a young girls' Yungoose (say that three times fast)! This injustice neither Avatar will stand for, and so its off to Po Town to right this dasterdly deed!