Monday, February 18, 2019

The Trials of Forest and Stone

After leaving the Volcano we head for a nice, scenic stroll through Route 8.

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So relaxing, so peaceful 

Little did I know that this would lead to a terrifying Jungle! 

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The first part of Mallow's Trial was easy and straight forward, but the Totem Lurantis gave both teams quite the headache. 

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The combination of Sunny Day, Synthesis, Solar Blade, and its Power Herb tore through both of my teams until I was able to get the right configuration to beat it and its Ally. 

Both teams eventually managed to win, and we moved on to the Research Center and the rest of the Island. 

Going through Diglett's Tunnel, we find Thing One and Thing Two causing trouble, as they do. However, they once again are no match for me and Hau! 

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Right outside the cave is the Konikoni Police Department, and it turns out, they've all been replaced by Ditto!! 

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Those crafty bastards could be anything! 

After clearing the menace, its off to the Ruins of Life for the Grand Trial. Before we get their though we again encounter Team Skull and this time Faba, of the Aether Foundation. 

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Or is it another Ditto? 

After helping him, he tells us to meet him at the Grand Resort later. Right now, we have a trial to complete!!! 

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This battle was super straight forward. In Pokemon Sun, Kirlia took care of her whole team, and after evolved into Gardevoir! 

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In Ultra Moon, Lileep threw a wrench in Staryu's works, but Lombre's Brick Break made quick work of it. 

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At the Hano Grand Resort, Faba puts us on a boat to the Aether Foundation where we fend off an alien invasion! 

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And after saving the world, we go to the park! 

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I love going to the park as a reward! 

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