Friday, February 8, 2019

Trials of Water and Fire (Sun and Moon)

On to the second Island, we meet everyone in Heahea City before we all go our separate ways again. Moving through the city, we encounter Sina and Dexio.

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After beating the two of them, the Avatars move on to Route 4, and to Lana's trial at Brooklet Hill. First, however we have to take on Hau in Paniola Town. First up is Aang, who defeats him with Drowzee and Floette. 

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For his more expanded team against Korra, she used Staryu, Deerling and Vanilite. 

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Continuing on through to Paniola Ranch and Route 5, we finally reach Brooklet Hill. Both chase the Wishiwashi down to the final pool, Aang is first attacked by the Totem Wishiwashi 

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In order to start to wear it out, I started with Drowzee's Poison Gas before swapping over to Floette's Razor Leaf to finish the beast off, a strategy that worked! 

Image result for drowzeeImage result for floette

Korra, however, had to face the dreaded Araquanid! 

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Its bug typing meaning that just attacking it with grass attacks would only do normal damage, I start by having Deerling use Leech Seed and then tire it down a bit before swapping over to Ariados to add to the perpetual damage with Infestation. Those ailments combined with the power of Night Shade proved its downfall! 

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Ariados really burst its bubble. 

After scaring away the Sudowoodo with our mighty Waterium-Z, we engage in a Battle Royal, where we again take on Gladion's Type: Null. 

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I feel a little bad picking on it so much, but its owners a jerk, 
so by extension it is also probably a jerk. 

And now we move on to the Wela Volcano and the third trial! 

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Which involves a dance off. 

The two Avatars step up as the pair of Fire type Totem Pokemon come forward...

Image result for totem marowak and salazzleImage result for totem marowak and salazzle

However, because of type this battle is much more straight forward and they can't compete with Korra's Phione or Aang's Alakazam. 

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After getting the Fire Z-Crystal, we bid a fond farewell to those at the top, and descend down the volcano on to our next adventure. 

Image result for totem marowak and salazzle

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