Monday, November 11, 2019

One Two Thunder Punch!

When last we left our hero, she was about to chase a team Aqua Grunt to Rusturf Tunnel, but first must traverse through Route 116. On the route, I caught a Taillow!

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And a Whismur! 

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And a Skitty...

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Also yay?

And through Wonder Trade I got a Meditite, Shuppet, and Numel.

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With this, the pool of Pokemon I can draw from is around 13, and I've learned that about 10 or 11 is the limit to keep everyone competitive. I didn't think in these challenges that too many Pokemon would be an issue, but here we are! I think that this will be a problem unique to this challenge. Gen III had a Pokedex of just over 200, and introduced about 130 Pokemon. The Gen VI and VII challenges will also be in their native region, but both of those Pokedex's have over 400 Pokemon and introduced around 80 new Pokemon each. For now, I have to plug on the best I can with what I got! 

Continuing onto Rusturf Tunnel, we see Mr. Briney outside, as the Team Aqua grunt not only stole machine parts, but also a Wingull. In the cave, we battle, and its not a challenge. I beat him and he runs off, leaving behind the parts and the Wingull. We return the parts to the Devon Corporation, get a letter to give to Steven Stone and head back through Petalburg Woods to Mr. Briney's house to give us a ride to Dewford Town. 

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The first stop is in Granite Cave, where I meet with Steven and he tells me of an ancient Pokemon in the distant past before moving on. Upon leaving the cave, we challenge Dewford's Gym Leader, Brawley! 

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He wasn't anything close to a challenge for Taillow! 

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With our business in Dewford complete, its time to move onto Slateport City! In the Oceanic Museum, we find Captain Stern and deliver to him the parts he needs for his submarine. During these travels, both Mudkip and Beldum evolved! 

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On the way to Mauville City, I caught a Plusle and received a Shroomish. 

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I am ready to take on the third Gym, Mauville City's own Wattson! 

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This gym seems to have been tailor made for Numel to defeat! 

Image result for numel

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