Wednesday, November 6, 2019

May's Hoenn Adventure!

Next, we have the Generation III play through, happening in Alpha Sapphire! I'm excited to do a run that takes place in the original game, its remake anyway.

As always, a quick review of the rules:
-I can only use Pokemon introduced in the Generation III games.
-They can be obtained in any method.
-Any from other generations are to be Wonder Traded or stored for non-use. Any duplicate GEN III Pokemon I get may also be traded or stored.
-I can use Mega Evolution because it is a temporary transformation (and super fun!) and not a permanent evolution.
-Can't use any that is part of a final team from a previous run.

Generation III is in the unique position of having introduced two psuedo-legendary Pokemon. Normally I would have had to choose, but I already used Bagon, so Beldum it is!

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Which I think I would have chosen anyway

Beldum is our starter for this run, but alas we can't begin the game with it. First we must collect our Pokedex! Let's get this show on the road! 

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Starting off, we jump out of our moving truck and immediately begin the search for our beloved Beldum. After meeting Brendan, we go help is dad who is being chased around by a Poochyena. However, here is where we pick up our first Pokemon, Mudkip. 

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It's not the runs actual starter

I chose Mudkip because in the Starter Pokemon run through I had both Torchic and Treeco. After using it to chase off the Poochyena, Professor Birch let's us keep it! 

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What a swell guy! 

However, he tells us that in order to receive our Beldum, we must first defeat Brendan in a Pokemon battle! 

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Him and his Treeco are no match for the might of Mudkip! And with that out of the way, we can collect our beloved Beldum from the PC box! 

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Heading out on Route 102, I catch a Surskit and a Zigzagoon! 

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I do catch some duplicates and Wonder Trade them, but don't get anything in return I can actually use. So for now, it's those four. I reach Petalburg City and talk to my dad. A boy named Wally asks for a Pokemon, and we go and help him catch his Ralts. 

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Such a happy little guy! 

After that, its on with our journey through Route 104 and the Petalburg Woods. I am able to trade for a Sableye and catch a Slakoth!

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I've never had Slakoth before, and I'm interested to use it and see how its Truant ability works in-game. 

In the woods, we see a scientist giving directions to a pirate, since pirates belong on the ocean and not in a forest. 

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How'd he get so lost, anyway?

Coming out on the north end of the forest, we arrive in Rustboro City, the location of the first Gym and its leader Roxanne! 

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Her and her Rock-types where washed away by the power of Mudkip! 

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After getting the badge, I recieve a Kecleon through Wonder Trade. 

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As I'm walking through the city, I see the pirate from the forest run off towards a cave. I guess the scientist didn't give him good enough directions so I decide to go point him the right way. 

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Something to look forward to! 

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