Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reflections of I and II

This was a fun couple of teams to use. I had used all of the GEN I Pokemon before, although none of them really recently, except maybe Charizard and Blastoise when playing through X and Y. I had never actually used Dragonite before. I did get the Dratini from the Dragon Clan in the Johto based games, but never managed to evolve it. I'm glad I was able to use one from the beginning of the game and actually use it at every stage, instead of getting it when it was underleveled near the end.

But otherwise, it was fun taking a trip back down memory lane. Sandslash, Raichu, and Snorlax  I hadn't used since the original games. Mr. Mime, Scyther, and Vileplume I hadn't used since the FireRed or HeartGold remakes. I haven't used them because they're are so many, and new ones are always being introduced, but using some of my all time favorites from when I was a kid reminded me what I love about the series no matter how long those Pokemon have been around.

The GEN II team was similar, most of the Pokemon I hadn't used since the GEN II remakes came out. I had never used Corsola or Granbull before, and while I didn't get to use them until a little bit later in the game so I didn't get quite as good a feel as to how they worked as I would have like. Miltank I had never used either, but got it early enough to see how it worked and fit into the team.

Both games had very diverse teams, and I could take on challenges more head on than I could in the previous challenges I had done. It wasn't as easy as a regular play through because I couldn't pick and choose the Pokemon I wanted. Getting a mostly random selection is fun, and its something I hope they bring into the games moving forward.

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