Friday, December 7, 2018

Altar of the Sunne (Sun)

Arriving in the Seafolk Village, we are greated by Lillie in her brand new outfit. We are told that Poni Island doesn't have a Kahuna, and that Hapu who lives on the Island is about to change that! 

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Get it, gurl! 

Off we go into the Poni Wilds to see what kind of shenanigans she's up to, and we meet her grandmother in their house on the Ancient Poni Path, and continue on to the Ruins of Hope! 

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Which doesn't sound at all like a frightening place 
I want to avoid at all costs 

Lillie and I arrive and watch as Tapu Fini blesses Hapu and appoints her the Grand Kahuna of Poni Island! 

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Then, we journey back to the Seafolk Village and meet the mayor, who takes us to Exeggutor Island to retrieve the Sunne Flute. After calming the Exeggutor and retrieving the Flute, its off to the Vast Poni Canyon! 

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This ain't no trip to Grandma's house 

At the entrance, we meet a group of Team Skull Grunts who ask us to save Guzma, before battling me. 

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They really insist on living up to the name "Grunt" 

After their defeat, Pluemeria arrives and scolds them for attacking me and gives me the Poisinium-Z before moving on. At the entrance, Hapu and the Grand Trial awaits! 

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And Beautifly crushes her... 

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I suddenly have a new found fear of butterflies 

While traversing the Canyon, we meet Mina Poni's only Trial Captain. She tells me she doesn't have a trial planned yet and just gives me the Fairium-Z before leaving. 

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We all know the truth. 
She's terrified of Beautifly 

At the end of the Canyon, we encounter an unmanned trial against the mighty Dragons! 

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It's the Trial Glaceon was born for! 

Glaceon breezes through the trial, and leads us to the Altar of the Sunne. 

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Or at least the way to it 

At the top, Lillie pulls out the Moone Flute she found at the Aether Paradise, and the two of us play our flutes, tearing open the fabric of space and time...

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Nebby evolves into Solgaleo, and we ride on his back into the wilds of Ultra Space. We enter a mysterious floating place, where Guzma warns us about what happened to Lusamine. Undettered, however, I bravely venture forth and to confront Lusamine. 

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With an all new look! 

Aerodactyl, Persian, and of course Beautifly defeat her, releasing her from the control of the Ultra Beast. 

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After returning from Ultra Space, Nanu arrives and tells us that the Pokemon League at Mount Lanakila is complete, and takes me to Tapu Village, where I can begin my ascent and challenge the Elite Four! 

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