Friday, December 7, 2018

Poni Island Trials (UltraMoon)

Before I can challenge the newly formed Pokemon League, I must complete the Poni Island Trials. First up, is Mina. The first part of her trial, a battle against her, Blaziken handles with ease. She then tells us to go around to the other Captains and get a petal from each of them. After battling Ilima, Lana, Kiawe, and for some reason Nanu instead of Acerola and receiving a petal from Sophacles as Moylane was leaving, we can complete our Rainbow Flower!

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The Flower now complete attracts the Totem Ribombee! 

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If Pokemon Sun as taught me anything, 
its that cute little bugs are engines of pure destruction 

Blaziken can't defeat it before it calls an ally Pelipper, which Jolteon finishes with no problem. 

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With Mina's trial out of the way, there is only one more left to face, and she awaits me on Exeggutor Island. 

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Her first battle as Kahuna does not go well for her, as Decidueye and Primarina are more than a match for her. 

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Because friendship always wins 

With the Island challenge complete, its off to the Tapu Village and Mount Lanakila where the Pokemon League awaits! 

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