Saturday, December 8, 2018

Random Reflections (sun)

Looking back on the Team of getting any six randomly did have me worried, especially after I saw what they are. Beautifly, and the Alolan forms of Rattata and Meowth definitely had me worried as I thought they may not have the fire power necessary to carry me through and that this run was goin to be alot tougher than it was. Beautifly especially surprised me, I'd never had one past level 20 before. I did have Butterfree and Beedrill for a time in other games a long time ago, but don't remember them being nearly as dominant as Beautifly in this run through.

Maybe the lack of other options is what forced Beautifly to the front. Its combonation of grass, bug, and flying attacks made it a varied attacker and its speed and special attack are on par with anything else on that team.

Gengar, Aerodactyl and Glaceon filled their respective roles as well as expected. Those pokemon are designed to be competitive until late in the game, unlike the other three.

The main problem I'm going to have with this team is covering weaknesses if it is to have any chance in the tournament later down the line. But, that challenge will come later.

The main theme I sort of had in my head was for the Justice League and DC Comics, since I named the player character Diana, after Wonder Woman because of the Wonder Trade feature.

And so, here they are, led by the Amazon Princess Diana herself, the Justice League! (Mostly, anyway)

Image result for wonder woman
Diana, the Wonder Woman 

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Bruce, the Dark Knight 

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Clark, the Superman 

Image result for alolan persian
Selina, Cat Woman 

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J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter

Image result for aerodactyl
Dick, the Nightwing 

Image result for alolan raticate
Charles, the Bouncing Boy 

Persian is the only female on the team, so naming her after Catwoman was just perfect. Beautifly is Superman because its super powerful. Gengar is Batman, the Dark Knight, because they both put fear in their enemies and you have to have Batman in the Justice League. Glaceon is Martian Manhunter becasuse they both like the cold. Aerodactyl is Nightwing because Aerodactyl is awsome and so is Nightwing. Raticate is the Bouncing Boy because they're both fat and ridiculous. 

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