Saturday, June 30, 2018

Adventures on Akala

Before heading off to the second Island, I stopped at 10 Carat Hill to get the Flynium Z and caught a Rockruff and traded it for a Petilil, giving me a grass type.

And back to the beach to surf to Akala Island!

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Continuing onward to Route 4, I caught a Mudbray and traded it for a level 1 Chansey from China. 

Beyond Route 4 is the Ol' West Town of Paniola, which for some reason is in Hawaii. 

Because, you know, why not?

In town, I run into Hau again and we battle. It was just like an Ol' West showdown! Except with Pokemon instead of six shooters. And no cowboy hats. Or spurs. Or people barring the windows and hiding in barrels. 

Beyond Paniola Town and in the Paniola Ranch, I caught another Mudbray and traded it for a Turtonator. 

This thing definitely replaces Magmar as the weirdest fire-type 

She's level 1 and knows Rest, Sleep Talk, Dragon Claw, and Flame Charge. I've had Arcanine before, so I'm replacing Growlithe with Turtonator.

Heading out on Route 5 towards Brooklet Hill and the second trial! On Route 5 I caught a Lillipup and traded it for a level 1 Minior.

In Brooklet Hill, Petilil is up front and takes care of the two Wishiwashi with ease. However, the Totem Pokemon is a little different.

It's a spider the size of a house 

As the absurdly large Araquanid strided forward, and Helioptile barely damaged it at all. This battle is not going to go as easily as the first trial. I decided to have Petilil use Leech Seed and then just send in Gyarados to finish the job! 

Actual screenshot 

Not only does Gyarados win, but she actually listened! 

Life lesson: if you ever meet a giant sea monster, 
feed it as many beans as possible. 

After the trial, I went back to Brooklet Hill and caught a Poliwag to trade. I got a level 32 Tentacruel from Japan. 

Lillie's Missing!!!

While searching Route 3, I found a Spearow, but no Lillie. Into the Melemele Meadow! 

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It's a good thing video game characters don't have allergies 

Right inside is Lillie! Well, that was easy. Until Lillie told me that Nebby ran off and she can't follow because she has no Pokemon. Off I go through the meadow. In the Meadow, I caught an Oricorio, met an actress (no autograph), and a couple playing hide and seek. Travelling deeper into the nice, peaceful meadow I found a cave entrance! 

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Nebby's in the spooky cave, isn't it? 

I bravely march forward, into the dark and mysterious unknown ready to brave the dangers hidden within! And Nebby's just chillin right there. But from the back of the cave comes two figures approach.... 

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Turns out, its just Ultra Recon Mustache. 

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For some reason I can't find any pictures of good guys doing this...

After battling the Furfrou the pair caught, they say that Nebby has the power to open wormholes, but when it does, very bad things happen. 

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Pictured: Ultimate doom 

And on that happy note, they take off and Nebby and Lillie are reunited. Hooray! 

In the Meadow, I caught and Oricorio. I traded Spearow and Oricorio for a Yungoos and Ledyba. Maybe I'll get something better on Akala Island. 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Here We Pokemon Go!

Welcome to the first (and only) day of school! 

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Before we truly get started, Ditto goes in the box, because its dumb and I'm not going to waste my time with it. Before we start battling the students, lets catch something to see if we can diversify this team beyond a pair of electric types. I caught a Meowth and traded it for a Mudbray, which is not an electric type! 

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It is level 12 and from China. Yay! It came in super handy against the trainers with a Bonsly and Grimer. After defeating four students and what is apparently the schools only teacher, I've graduated! 

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Now that I'm out of school, it's off to the big city and the real world. Gotta love the education system in these games. Of course my first stop is shopping! I got me a sharp new outfit and I'm ready to take on all of Alola! While exploring, I caught a Mime Jr. and traded it for a level 11 Growlithe from France. My teams coming together quite nicely. 
While exploring, I have my first encounter with the dastardly Team Skull! After battling them, its on wonder they couldn't do any of the Trials. Anyway, after beating them Ilima challenged me, and I beat him as well proving to a bonified Trial Captain that I am ready for the trails, and he sends me off to the Verdant Cavern. 
Before reaching the Verdant Cavern, there's Route 2 and the Hau'oli Cemetary. Let's see what we can catch there and use to fill out the team. On Route 2 I got an Ekans, and a Zubat from the cemetery. 
For my little purple serpent, I got a big blue sea serpent! 

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Its level 35, from Spain and will be useful later on, so I'll keep it around. For Zubat, I got a Mimikyu that's level 1 and from Japan. I'm digging the team I got, even though I can't use one of them right away. 
After battling all the trainers in the cemetery and on Route 2, its off to the beach for a little R and R. Or it would have been if these two idiots hadn't shown up and started harassing poor Mantine. 

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Seriously, guys, my toddler can dance better, and basic coordination isn't even one of her skills yet. 
After dealing with these two hoodlums, its finally time to take on the challenge! Mudbray learned double kick before I entered, which made defeating the first two pokemon extremely easy. 
Then, Grunt A and Grunt B from Team Numbskull showed up to mess with my trial. After defeating one of them, they go and block two of the entrances forcing the Raticate (a regular one) no choice than to come out of the remaining hole I was at. Thanks guys! How do people do this trial without Team Skulls interference? 
After grabbing the Normalium Z, the Totem Raticate attacked! But Mudbray's double kick took it out in one turn, making the battle pretty anticlimactic. The Ultra Recon Squad talks to me for the first time. Or second time, they may have said something during the "pregame" segment and I wasn't paying attention because I was just blazing through it. 

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Good guys twirl their mustaches, right?

On the way out, I caught a Noibat and traded it for a Piplup. I do have the rule of keeping a rare Pokemon for my personal collection as long as I don't use it. I'm going to adjust this for Piplup to go on my Starter Pokemon team, which is going to be my next run on Pokemon Sun. I'm doing this with Piplup and potentially any other starter I receive in this run since on that team I can only use 64 different pokemon and will potentially save me many hours wonder trading. I will not be using Piplup at all in this run or any other starter I happen to get. 
Ilima is waiting for me as I exit the cavern and opens up the gate to Route 3. Professor Kukui comes from Route 3 and says that he lost Lillie! So next time, we will scour every inch of Route 3, leave no stone unturned until she and Nebby are found!