Saturday, June 30, 2018

Lillie's Missing!!!

While searching Route 3, I found a Spearow, but no Lillie. Into the Melemele Meadow! 

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It's a good thing video game characters don't have allergies 

Right inside is Lillie! Well, that was easy. Until Lillie told me that Nebby ran off and she can't follow because she has no Pokemon. Off I go through the meadow. In the Meadow, I caught an Oricorio, met an actress (no autograph), and a couple playing hide and seek. Travelling deeper into the nice, peaceful meadow I found a cave entrance! 

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Nebby's in the spooky cave, isn't it? 

I bravely march forward, into the dark and mysterious unknown ready to brave the dangers hidden within! And Nebby's just chillin right there. But from the back of the cave comes two figures approach.... 

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Turns out, its just Ultra Recon Mustache. 

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For some reason I can't find any pictures of good guys doing this...

After battling the Furfrou the pair caught, they say that Nebby has the power to open wormholes, but when it does, very bad things happen. 

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Pictured: Ultimate doom 

And on that happy note, they take off and Nebby and Lillie are reunited. Hooray! 

In the Meadow, I caught and Oricorio. I traded Spearow and Oricorio for a Yungoos and Ledyba. Maybe I'll get something better on Akala Island. 

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