Saturday, June 2, 2018

Welcome to (my) World of Pokemon!

And welcome to my blog! Just a quick introduction as to what my blog here will be about. I love Pokemon, and have been playing the games since they first came out. As I've gotten older the games have gotten easier, which I suppose will happen to a franchise targeted at 9 year old's as one enters their 20's. Luckily, there are many different challenges that players have come up with over the years.
This inspired me to do my own set of challenges, heavily featuring my favorite new feature from X and Y, the Wonder Trade! What I'm going to be doing over the next who-knows-how-long is a series of games featuring various challenges and the Wonder Trade. My eventual goal is to have a sort of tournament between the teams. How I'll work that, I haven't quite figured out yet.

What I do know is that I'm going to do 16 different teams (I'll post the different teams and rules in a different post), alternating between Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon for the minor differences each game provides. When a game is finished and a team is ready, I'll put it on my regular Moon game for storage until it's time to battle.

Now, you may be asking yourself why I'm not recording video of my play through's and putting them on YouTube. There's a few reasons for this, and the biggest one is hardware and software. Recording video on the 3ds is a pain in the butt since Nintendo no longer supports any official video features on the 3ds. Other methods I looked into are expensive and complicated and I don't have the set up or technical know how to figure it out. The other reasons, I just don't have the time to record and post videos on a regular basis. Plus, just posting a video won't help improve my writing.
Anyway, that's what I'm up to and I hope everyone enjoys going on this journey with me!

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