Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reflections of I and II

This was a fun couple of teams to use. I had used all of the GEN I Pokemon before, although none of them really recently, except maybe Charizard and Blastoise when playing through X and Y. I had never actually used Dragonite before. I did get the Dratini from the Dragon Clan in the Johto based games, but never managed to evolve it. I'm glad I was able to use one from the beginning of the game and actually use it at every stage, instead of getting it when it was underleveled near the end.

But otherwise, it was fun taking a trip back down memory lane. Sandslash, Raichu, and Snorlax  I hadn't used since the original games. Mr. Mime, Scyther, and Vileplume I hadn't used since the FireRed or HeartGold remakes. I haven't used them because they're are so many, and new ones are always being introduced, but using some of my all time favorites from when I was a kid reminded me what I love about the series no matter how long those Pokemon have been around.

The GEN II team was similar, most of the Pokemon I hadn't used since the GEN II remakes came out. I had never used Corsola or Granbull before, and while I didn't get to use them until a little bit later in the game so I didn't get quite as good a feel as to how they worked as I would have like. Miltank I had never used either, but got it early enough to see how it worked and fit into the team.

Both games had very diverse teams, and I could take on challenges more head on than I could in the previous challenges I had done. It wasn't as easy as a regular play through because I couldn't pick and choose the Pokemon I wanted. Getting a mostly random selection is fun, and its something I hope they bring into the games moving forward.

Johto Masters

Our second Generation Team led by Kris ascends to the top of Mount Silver making her the Johto Champion!

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Whitney, the Incredibly Pretty Girl 

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Mister Muchmoney

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Will and Karen 

Naming this time around was a little bit easier than for the GEN I team for some reason. Tyranitar is named Crystal, which was the debut game of Kris, and female player characters. Typhlosion is named Gold after the game and his Pokemon Adventures counterpart who started with Cyndaquil. Miltank is the signature Pokemon of Whitney, who gave many of us grief our first time through. Slowking is named Hama-chan after the Japanese comedian who voiced him in the second movie. Crobat is named Silver for both the game and the rival who raised one. Meganium is named after the one owned by Crystal in the Pokemon Adventures manga. Corsola is named after Jasmine, the Olivine Gym leader. It was the closest GEN II character I could get. Jasmine used to train Rock types, lives by the ocean and has one in Pokemon Stadium 2. Granbull is named after the one that followed Team Rocket around in the anime for a little bit and is male, which is why he is Mister Muchmoney. Espeon is named Karen and Umbreon Will after the two Elite Four members introduced in the generation. Espeon is female and Umbreon is male, so I thought switching the two worked. 

Queen of the Rock

Before becoming Alola's first ever Champion, there are Four final trainers to defeat (secretly five)!

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The first battle is against the Fighting type Kahuna, Hala! 

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This was the toughest battle of the Elite Four because his Hariyama and Primeape both had attacks that took Slowking out, and after that it took a combination of Typhlosion, Meganium, and Crobat to defeat him. 

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With ol' Hala down, its on to the second (former) Kahuna, Master of Precious Stones, Olivia! 

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Her Rock types were definitely tough, but in the end was no match for Meganium and Slowking! 

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The next two battles are against the Ghost type Master, Acerola and the wandering Flying Master Kahili, both battle were Tyranitar's to win! 

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It was for the most part an easy four battles. It was also their first time as an Elite Four, I'm sure they'll get better. Anyway, the Champions throne is now mine to claim...

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...except for one final challenger who stands in my way! 

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His challenge was ended by the power of Tyranitar, Typhlosion, Meganium and Miltank! 

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With him down, we are truly the Champion!