Thursday, October 31, 2019

New King of Kalos

Before I can be crowned, there are the toughest trainers in the land...

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First up, is the fire type trainer Malva and the final holdout of Team Flare! 

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The hotheaded trainer and her firebreathers were no match for the power of Blastoise! 

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Next up, is the Steely Knight trainer, Wikstrom! 

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He and his Knoble Knights fell to the might of my dragon 

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After the knight, we face the Kalos regions own Dragon Master, Drasna! 

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Her dragons were no match for Blastoise's Ice Beam! 

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And finally, Siebold, the Water Chef! 

Image result for siebold pokemon
Or something that sounds awesome 

His watery squad was no match for the full power of Raichu! 

Image result for raichu

With the Elite Four out of the way, only the Champion awaits... 

Image result for diantha pokemon

Her team was tough, and even matching types didn't go my way, but everyone gave there all... 

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And after an all out slug-fest on both sides, it was down to our final two, her Mega Gardevoir, and my Dragonite. The Fairy of course had the type advantage over my Dragon, but in the Dragonite prevailed and the title of Champion was awarded to me! 

Image result for dragonite

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