Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lysandre Labs

After I arrive in Lumiose City and find the "secret" entrance to his hidden laboratory, Lysandre challenges me to a battle.

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Usually you fight the evil boss throughout the journey. 
Evidently, they forgot to do that in these games 

The first time around, I used Mr. Mime, Blastoise and Raichu to defeat him. Heading into the lab, we defeat his scientists and get the key card to the lower levels. 

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After reaching the lower levels, we see that Lysandre has captured AZ, and has him in an electric cage. 

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This dude is like 12 feet tall. How does 
anyone gets him to do anything against his will? 

After our encounter with AZ, I battle Xerosic, for the right to stop the Ultimate Weapon once and for all...

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...which he activates anyway. I'm pretty sure that's cheating, but he is also a bad guy. I fly off to Geosenge Town to try and stop the weapon from firing. Arriving at Evil Secret Hideout #2, Lysandre challenges me again. 

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This time was as quick as before, despite his Miefoo evolving into Mienshao. Scyther, Blastoise, and Raichu defeated him easily for victory number 2. After this, I head down to the basement with Shauna and Serena, were we fight an army of Pitbull's. 

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Upon reaching the final room and defeating all of the Admins, I capture Xerneas in the Master Ball and send it to the Box. Afterwords, Lysandre attacks us AGAIN, but with a fancy new doodad. 

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Too bad it doesn'ty help him at all

Again, he falls to the might of Scyther, Riachu and Blastoise. 

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With his defeat, the Weapon fires on itself, destroying the base. And with a small town in ruins, I'm off to finish my journey!

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