Wednesday, October 9, 2019

vs Korrina, Serena, and Friends

Heading north from Cyllage City, we head north to Route 10 and the monolithic tombstones of Pokemon lost in ages past.

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A mass grave is a little morbid for a kids game, 
put at least they didn't include the Paris Catacombs

I again run into Team Flare on the Route and in Geosenge Town, but they don't provide any sort of challenge. Another familiar face I come across in Geosenge Town is Korrina! 

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I battle against her and her 2 Lucario with Charmeleon and Sandslash, and come away with victory number one! 

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With the way now clear, I head through Route 11 and Reflection Cave and end up in Shalour City, home to the Tower of Mastery. 

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Inside, we meet the Mega Evolution Master and all of our buddies show up. I have a battle with Serena to see who is superior! 

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It's me. I'm superior

Korrina, impressed with my victory against Serena (instead of my victory against her) and invites me to her gym for our second battle. 

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In the Gym battle, I use Mr. Mime and Pidgeotto to defeat her. 

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After the Gym battle, I head up to the top of the Tower to battle her again, and using one of her Lucario's I manage to win and unlock the ability to use Mega Evolution! With our Mega Bracelet on, we head out to Route 12 and get a Lapras! 

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Also on Route 12, Dratini evolves into Dragonair! 

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Upon entering Coumarine City, Serena calls us on the Holophone thing (or whatever its called), challenging us outside the Gym. Again, she doesn't provide much of a challenge, and we head into the Gym itself to take on Ramos! 

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Normally, this battle is quick and easy. However, he plows through Charmeleon and Pidgeotto. Luckily, I pulled Scyther out, and its even though its a higher level, I wans't sure if it would listen. It did, and I took out Weepinbell and Gogoat with one shot each. 

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One of my all time personal favorites

With our fourth badge in hand, we head out to Route 13 and the Power Plant, where Team Flare is again causing trouble. Aliana, Pitbull and there cronies are stealing power from Lumiose City, but with them clear, the Lumiose Gym opens up for us to challenge! 

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Clemont was no match for my Sandslash! 

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And he has earned that bowtie!

Also while battling Team Flare in the Power Plant, Wartortle evolved! 

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