Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Big, Bad Secret Liars

Our rescue mission begins by meeting Unova Elite Four member, Grimsley, who gives us the Sharpedo Ride Pokemon.

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On the way to Po Town, both Quilava and Bayleef evolved! 

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Say hello to Typhlosion and Meganium! 

I reach Po Town and am let in by Grumpy Cop, who for some reason has the key. 

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Bad guys, man 

After working our way through the rain and the mansion, we again come across Guzma and his Poke-pair, which Crobat again defeats. 

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After his defeat, he storms off in a huff and for my troubles I pick up a Buginium-Z and the Yungoose. Outside, Grumpy Cop takes us back to the Aether House, where we learn that my trip to Po Town was just to get me out of the way so that Plumeria could take Lillie to the Aether Paradise! Gladion arrives, throws a tantrum, and then we head off to the docks. At the docks, Grumpy Cop does the Grand Trial. 

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With that out of the way, we head to Secret Bad Guy Hideout #2. 

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After clearing out the docks, we head up to meet Evil Science Man and defeat him in battle. 

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We go down to the secret basement and fight a few more employees. 

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I swear these guys are robots

After making our way past them, Hau and I discover that Nebby is an Ultra Beast and that Type: Null was created to fight them. We meet back up with Gladion and head upstairs, where we again face Evil Scienec Man again and some cronies. Umbreon and Corsola teamed up with Hau's Pokemon to defeat him. 

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With his defeat, we are able to open the door behind him, revealing that Team Skull has been working with the Aether Foundation all along! 

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After defeatin a few grunts, we face down Guzma again, but Crobat and Typhlosion are more than enough to squash him and his bugs! 

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With him out of the way, we can continue onto Lusamine herself, and finally find Lillie! 

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She says that she never cared for her children, and opens up a portal that her Space Jellyfish comes through and I battle her in an attempt to stop her! Against her team, I use Espeon, Umbreon, Typhlosion, and Meganium! 

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With her defeat she and Guzma go with the Space Jellyfish into parts unknown! 

The next day, we all begin to go our separate ways, which for me means conquering the final Island! 

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