Saturday, August 4, 2018

I Got Two Tickets To (Aether) Paradise

Before going into the Resort itself, I decided to explore the beach! At one end I caught a Sandygast.

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Like this, only possessed by a ghost. 
Apparently Pokemon wasn't weird enough 

Anyway, I traded it for a Grubbin, which is going straight in the box. 

Back in the hotel proper, we run into Mad Scientist Guy again. 

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Specifically this one 

Hau show's up, and off we go to the Aether Paradise! 

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No way anything ominous is happening here 

After exploring a little bit, I meet Lusamine, and discover that she's Lillie's mother! 

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And such a nice lady, too! 

When suddenly a rift opens up in the space-time continuum and out comes a horrific monster! 

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Prisoner Zero has escaped! 

Luckily, our dimension has a defender against such incursions, a hero amongst heroes! 

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High Horsepower! 

After clobbering the inter-dimensional beast and sending it back home, the Ultra Recon Squad shows up. 

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Along with that glorious mustache 

They tell us about the Ultra Beasts, and Ultra Wormholes and all sorts of other Ultra Science. After that, we are off to Ula'ula Island and the adventures that await us there! 

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