Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Plot Gets Overly Stuffed

Before going to far in, I evolved Helioptile in Heliolisk.

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Once we get off the boat in the docks Hau and Gladion run off. There's an Aether employee there who offers to take us back if we need her to, which feels weird and out of place since two of the three people who came on the boat have already run off.

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Tha, and all of the rest of them want to kill you 

After beating some of the Aether employees, I finally catch up to Hau and Gladion on the elevator. Apparently they didn't have any problems, I guess people in Alola just don't like me. We go up to the upper level of the Foundation where Faba is waiting for us. 

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And all of his evil science-ness 

Faba and Gladion go at it as only true enemies could, so I end up battling him. After beating Faba he gives us the code to go to the secret basement labs for reasons and then just leaves. It's back on the elevator and to the depths of the Aether foundation we go! 

Once we reach the basement, Gladion says that he'll inspect Lab A and Hau and I will inspect Lab B before they both run off. After entering the door they ran off into, I'm stopped by two Aether Employees. 

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Who didn't challenge Gladion and Hau for some reason 

After beating them, I enter Lab B before Hau, even though he left first. Anyway, we battle two more goons in the room in a double battle. Like good henchmen, they refuse to tell us anything about their evil plan. But like bad henchmen, they left the whole thing up on the computer screen for anyone to read. After reading about the plan, we meet back up with Gladion and get back on the elevator and go to a whole new floor where Faba and some goons are waiting for us! 

Turns out his reason for sending us to the basement was to get reinforcements to battle us! I team up with Hau again to beat up the two goons, and then I team up with Gladion to battle Faba and the remaining goon. 

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Any particular reason this couldn't have been a triple battle? 

After beating them, we go into the door they were supposed to be guarding and find Team Skull! 

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Holy plot twist, Batman! 

Gladion rushes ahead to fight Guzma, bypassing all of the trainers on the way. Hau goes off and fights one grunt. 

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Do your thing, man 

Moving forward, I beat up the remaining goons and reach Gladion just in time for him to lose to Guzma. Then I battle Guzma. 

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With him defeated, we enter the room he was guarding and meet the Ultra Recon Squad, who tell us about Necrozma. 

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Wait, someone with the evil twirly mustache is actually evil? 

Anyway, I battle them, again and we go into yet another door and find Lusamine doing evil things. It's here that we learn that she is Gladion and Lillie's mother and that her husband fell through an Ultra Wormhole and they don't know what happened to him. 

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It is quite the mystery 

Then we learn that Gladion saw the evil in his mother's plans stole a Pokemon they where experimenting on and ran away. Then we learn that Lillie later did the exact same thing. 

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Mother of the Year 

In order to stop her from opening the Ultra Wormholes and unleashing untold destruction on the world, I bravely step forward to stop her evil scheme! 

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I feel it would be more satisfying plot wise 
if her own kid did it, but whatever 

After foiling her evil plans, she goes ahead with them anyway. She opens up a wormhole and jumps in, and Guzma (who had apparently followed us in) jumps in after her before the hole closes up. Gladion then says that he wants to save his family, gives me the Master Ball, and then goes on his way. 

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Why he doesn't keep it is beyond me 

Does anyone else feel like this section was way to complicated for a Pokemon game? 

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