Monday, August 27, 2018

Vast Poni Canyon

Lillie and I head off to the Altar of the Moone, but before we can actually enter the Vast Poni Canyon, a group of Team Skull thugs block our path. 

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I thought I was done with them? 

They ask me to save Guzma for them, and then all six of them battle me. Way to get me to do what you want...

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And of course Big Sister is watching 

Plumeria arrives and scolds them for their stupidity. To be fair, they are all named Grunt, thinking isn't in their wheelhouse. Anyway, she also asks to save Guzma, and apologizes for the Grunt's behavior. In a lesson that all former bad guys could learn when asking the hero for help, she gives me a gift, Poisonium-Z before heading on her way. 

Venturing further into the Canyon, Lillie and I run across Hapu, and are shortly joined by the Ultra Recon Squad. 

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And that glorious, glorious mustache 

After a quick battle against the Squad, Hapu says that we will help them in their fight against Necrozma, and I have an odd feeling that by "we" she means me. After the conversation, Lillie and I explore the Canyon. During the exploring and battling, I caught a Golbat and traded it for a Salandit, and Shelgon evolved! 

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Salamence in da house!!!! 

At the end of the Canyon, I reached the Trial Site, and with no Trial Captain to oversee it, I guess it just runs on the honor system. Reaching the end is Totem Kommo-o. 

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Battle of the Dragons! 

This is another thing I want to mention about these games that still gets me excited after all of these years. When I was a kid, I imagined epic battled between Pokemon that the few pixels my Gameboy Color couldn't even dream of. But it didn't matter and I think it is part of the reason why Pokemon has not only lasted, but thrived. Even as the games and the handheld consoles have become more powerful and graphically better, you just can't replace imagination. The two pictures above perfectly embody what was going on in my head when these two where on screen and I was selecting my attacks. 

After defeating the Totem Pokemon, Lillie and Hapu arrive and together the three of us look up at the Altar of the Moone....

Image result for altar of the moone

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