Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Wind Through Poni Island

As Aang arrives in the Seafolk Village on Poni Island, he is greeted warmly.

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After meeting the Mayor of the Seafolk Village and a quick stop on Exeggutor Island, we head off to the Ruins of Hope. Lillie in her Z-Powered mode joins us and after passing through the Poni Wilds and Ancient Poni Path, we meet Hapu and the Ruins. 

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Where hope lies in ruins. 

After witnessing Hapu become Poni Island's Kahuna, we head off to the entrance of the Vast Poni Canyon, where out front is the dastardly Team Skull! 

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Plumeria asks us to save Guzma along with Lusamine. She then gives us the Poison Z-crystal and goes on her way. Moving into the canyon, we face Hapu for the Grand Trial! 

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Toucannon with Brick Break took care of her Dugtrio, and then Floette's Petal Blizzard took care of the rest of her team pretty handily. 

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She even gave Toucannon some flowers! 

At the other end of the Canyon, is the unmanned Dragon trial. Clefairy's Z-Move Twinkle Tackle took out the Totem Kommo-o in just a single hit. 

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Anyway, we then ascend the worlds longest staircase to the Altar of the Sun. 

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At the top, we play our flutes and Nebby evolves into Solgaleo. 

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We hop on its back and head off into the wilds of Ultra Space, where after a warning from Guzma about Lusamine, we head forward to face her. 

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She may or may not be completely 
bonkers at this point 

For the battle itself, I just played it safe and swapped out to maintain a type advantage. The stars of the battle where Toucannon, Clefairy, Misdreavus, and Gardevoir. 

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After winning and separating Lusamine from Nihilego, we go back to the Altar of the Sun where Hapu and Nanu are both waiting. Lillie takes her mother to the Aether Paradise, and Nanu takes me to the Tapu Village, and the path to the Pokemon League! 

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