Saturday, March 30, 2019

Trial by Fire

Starting up Omega Ruby, we are following the adventures of Roku!

Image result for avatar roku
Young, inexperienced and ready for adventure!

I'm doing this in Omega Ruby because the player character wears red, and you can't change that in these games. The types available to me are Fire, Dragon, Electric, Dark, Bug and Normal. I can get them in any way and any that don't fit one of these types must either be wonder traded or set aside for my collection and cannot be used. 

And Journey Begins! 

First thing, is getting out of the moving truck and then saving Professor Birch from a Poochyena. Taking the Torchic, we go and find May before getting a Pokedex. She then teaches us about sneaking, and we catch the special Poochyena that knows one of the elemental Fang attacks, this particular one knows Ice Fang. Which doesn't fit the fire motif of the run, but provides diversity in the move pool, so it works for me! After catching it, this Poochyena will serve as our starter for this run. 

Image result for poochyena

After reaching Petalburg City and helping Wally catch his Ralts, we can finally Wonder Trade! After many rounds of trading, I get a Shinx and a Litleo! 

Image result for shinxImage result for litleo
This team is feeling very Lion King-y 

With this trio, we move past Petalburg City and into the Woods nearby. 

Image result for petalburg woods

Travelling through, we encounter a mysterious figure in a funny outfit. 

Image result for team magma grunt

After beating him, we send him running off in the direction of Rustboro City. Exiting the forest in the northern part of Route 104 and beating the trainers along the way, we reach Rustboro ourselves. And then its off to the Gym, and its leader Roxanne! 

Image result for pokemon roxanne

It was truly a blessing that Poochyena knows Ice Fang because it blew past Geodude and was able to put a size able dent in Nosepass before Shinx was able to defeat it. (A side note, I completely forgot the Fang move the Poochyena knows depends on the starter you pick.)

With our first Gym defeated, we exit and see the Team Magma Grunt running off and scientist asking us to help retrieve the item he stole. Next, we will head after the thief until we make him pay for his crime! 

Image result for poochyenaImage result for shinxImage result for litleo

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