Saturday, March 23, 2019

Poni Island Torrent

And now it's Korra's turn to tackle Poni Island!

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When she first arrived on Poni Island, we are greeted by Mina this time around. 

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Done strolling through the Poni Canyon 

She tells us that Poni doesn't have a Kahuna, but that we should go and find Hapu. Lillie and Korra take off through the Poni Wilds and the Ruins of Hope, where Tapu Fini grants Hapu the title. 

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We then head to the Grand Poni Canyon, and after beating Team Skull and traversing through the Canyon we reach the Trial of the Kommo-o! 

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Because of its part fighting type, Vanilluxe isn't able to defeat it on its own. Ariados was able to poison it with Toxic, as well as its ally Noivern. Vaporeon's Shadow Ball was the third and final Pokemon to take the duo on before they succumbed to poison. 

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After getting the Dragon Z-Crystal, we head up those insanely long stairs and play our Day and Night Flutes to activate wormhole and evolve Nebby. Guzma and Lusamine fall through, concerned about the monster that defeat them.

After their warning, the monster itsefle appears and immediately battles Nebby.

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Nebby loses and becomes absorbed by Necrozma, then loses to Vaporeon's Shadow Ball. 

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Its a doozy! 

Necrozma then flees, and we follow it on the back of the Ultra Recon Squad's Solgaleo. Arriving in Ultra Megalopolis, we are greeted by the other members of the Ultra Recon Squad and they tell us to head to the top of the tower, where Ultra Necrozma awaits. 

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Approaching it, we start our battle, first up is Vanilluxe, who after enduring Necrozma's Photon Geyser, it counters with Mirror Coat, which knocks out Necrozma in a single hit. 

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After saving the world, we go to Mina's house for our final trial. After defeating her and collecting all of the petals from the other Trial Captains, we take on the Totem Ribombee. While collecting the petals, I evolved Lombre into Ludicolo. Ariados and Sawsbuck took care of Ribombee and its ally Pelipper. 

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With that out of the way, its time for the final Grand Trial against brand new Kahuna, Hapu! 

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Ludicolo, Vanilluxe and Tsareena very easily handled her ground types. 

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With her out of the way, its off to Mount Lanakila and the Elite Four!! 

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