Friday, March 29, 2019

The Water Tribe

Under the leadership of Avatar Korra are the benders of of the Northern and Southern Water Tribes and the Swamp Benders of the Boggy Swamp! 

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Yue, the Moon Princess

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Katara, Water Bending Master 

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Kya, the Healer 

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Naga, an Avatar's Best Friend 

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Hakoda, the Chief 

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Huu, Master of the Swamp 

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Foo Foo Cuddly Poops

Tsareena is named after Princess Yue (who turned into the moon) because the name of Tsareena is based on a Russian queen. Ariados is named after Sokka, because neither of them can control water. Phione and Staryu are named after Katara and Kya (mother and daughter) because they both have similar move sets, as if they were mother and daughter. Vaporeon is named after Naga because they are both dog-like animals. Vanilluxe is named after Sokka and Katara's father who was the chief of the Southern Water Tribe during The Last Airbender, and all HAIL the chief! Yes, I named him that for nothing more than a bad joke. Ludiocolo is a water plant thing, and the swamp bender Huu made a swamp monster out of water plants. And Sawsbuck is Foo Foo Cuddly Poops because Sokka named him, and he's the closest thing I'll ever get to a giant moose lion. 

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