Saturday, March 30, 2019

Reflections of Water and Air

This is the first time I've done something like this. I've done several mono-type challenges before, but there was a couple differences. I chose which Pokemon I wanted ahead of time, and used secondary types to cover any weaknesses and ensure a diverse range of attacks.

Getting a few select Pokemon at random, doesn't give that flexibility. Especially since I was further restricted by the types that I could use as a secondary type. Plus not getting something that would work after several rounds of wonder trading did lead me to give up trying to find something that could work. In the end, both teams ended up working out.

Most of the journey was certainly easier for the Air Nomad Team, because of the raw power of Alakazam, Gardevoir, and Hypno early on. Misdreavus' immunity's also were very helpful. Fairy always managed to come in handy too and once Floette and Clefairy learned decent moves, they could move through just about anything. The diversity of moves available to Clefairy also helped cover various types. The Elite Four was a bit of a challenge, because aside from Hala, I didn't really have an advantage over anything, and everything except Toucannon was weak to Kukui's Incineroar.

On the flip side, the Water Tribe team had a little bit harder time. The only Pokemon that wasn't water or grass were Vanilluxe and Ariados. The overall high special attack from most of them allowed me to blast through most opponents. Oddly though, the Elite Four was much easier since I was able to exploit the low special defense of most of their Pokemon. Much like the last couple of run throughs, I came to love the Vanilite line. When first released in Generation V, I like many others thought it was just stupid and lazy. Throughout this play through, I've come to love it. Unlike many evolutionary lines, I think each stage is absolutely adorable.

I found new ways to approach old challenges, challenges I was able to find weaknesses for in other play through. That's not something I always had available in these runs, and are challenges I look forward to dealing with in my next couple of games, Pokemon X and Pokemon Omega Ruby. I will see you with Kyoshi in Kalos and Roku in Hoenn!

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