Sunday, March 24, 2019

Avatar Aang

Before we started, I evolved, Clefairy, Floette, and Misdreavus to their final forms, Clefable, Florges, and Mismagius.

At the peak of Mount Lanakila, awaits our greatest challenge yet!

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Into the Pokemon League building we encounter Professor Kukui who explains how the Elite Four work, but since I've been doing this for most of my life, I am well versed in what to expect, so without further ado, The Elite Four! 

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First up, is the Fighting-type master, ol' Hala himself! 

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Seeing as to how everything on my team has some kind of type advantage, this was no challenge for Alakazam and Toucannon. 

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Next up is Olivia and her Rock-types.

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However, Florges and Clefable took care of her without much of a problem. 

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Next, Alolan royalty, and master of Ghost -types, Acerola! 

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Because of its diverse moveset, Clefable again managed to take on most of her team with some support from Mismagius. 

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And for the final match of the Elite Four Challenge, the Flying -type master, Kahili! 

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She required the use of a few more pokemon per battle because of her Pokemon's second types. A combonation of Toucannon, Clefable, Mismagius and Alakazam where used. 

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After defeating her, I head to the Champion's Room, and to my throne! 

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When suddenly, a challenger approaches....

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This was definitely the most challenging fight I've had this whole run, mostly because he had an Incineroar, whose dual Fire and Dark typing perfectly countered everything on my team. Except for one. One champion to rise above and claim victory over that which no other could, my trusty Starter! 

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With Kukui out of the way, we are the undisputed Champion of the Alola Region, and a fully fledged Avatar! 

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