Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Oddly familiar....

As we continue on through Route 4, we add Scyther and Raichu as options for the rotation.

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Unfortunately, Scyther is level 50 so its a little too powerful for now. Raichu, on the other hand is level 21 but only knows Double Team, Quick Attack and Thunder Wave. Hopefully I can find some TMs to teach to it soon. 

At the end of Route 4, I meet Sina and Dexio and they introduce me to Professor Sycamore, who challenges me to battle! 

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I easily win and he gives me the choice of Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur. I chose Charmander because Fire-types are rarer than Grass-types, I also just really like the Charmander evolution line. 

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Before leaving Lumiose City, I meet both Lysandre and Diantha. 

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Look at her, being all evil and stuff

Following Trevor, we head out to Route 5! Along the Route, I Wonder Traded for a Mime Jr. which a few levels later learned Mimic, and evolved into a Mr. Mime. 

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The other evolutions that happened on this route where Pidgey to Pidgeotto and Squirtle to Wartortle. 

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I arrived in Camphrier Town, where not much happened, so we moved on to Route 7, where a Snorlax blocks the road an requires the PokeFlute to wake up. 

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Some things will never change

But first, we must go up through Route 6 to Parfum Palace. 

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The HM for Cut is there somewhere

The owner has lost his beloved Furfrou, and asks Shauna and I to find it before he'll give us the PokeFlute. We find it in the garden and bring it the owner of the Palace, and he gives us the PokeFlute and a fireworks show. 

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Going back down Route 6 and continuing onto Route 7, I caught an Oddish and the Snorlax. 

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Continuing through Route 7, I team up with Serena to battle Trevor and Tierno, which felt a little one sided. After the battle, I pass through Connecting Cave and the upper part of Route 8 before reaching Ambrette Town and discovering that the lead scientist at the Fossil Center may be in danger at the Glittering Cave, so off we go! 

By this point, Charmander has also evolved into Charmeleon. 

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Upon reaching the Cave, we find Team Flare hunting for fossils! 

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After chasing them out of the cave, we find the scientist at the end of the cave who had been completely unaware of Team Flare's presence. After rescuing him, we head north on the lower beach part of Route 8, where Oddish and Sandshrew evolve. 

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Arriving in Cyllage City, we get a bicycle and head off to the Gym! 

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I was able to sweep his entire Gym with just Sandslash! 

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