Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reflections of Earth and Fire

Looking back and thinking of the second two journey's of the Avatar challenge, and the entire challenge overall, it was fun to go through and get a random selection of limited types. I didn't expect to receive so few at the beginning of each journey this time through. I know I went with older games with fewer people playing, and thus fewer trading, but I still got some great Pokemon that I didn't expect, and missed several that I did.

Geodude and Makuhita not appearing at all for Kyoshi's team did surprise me. Kyoshi did get a decently diverse Pokemon that could cover for most types or learn moves to cover most problems that arose. The straight physical power of most of the team worked to my advantage, and Lucario's high special attack did provide some variety. I did eventually get so many that I dropped a few that couldn't keep up, since I couldn't evolve Pancham, and Marowak and Diggersby's just didn't have the power of everything else. Maybe they'll fit in better in the Generational Teams. The low speed overall of most things on the team did run counter to my usual style of getting the fastest and hardest hitting Pokemon I can find. Klinklang was the most challenging to make work. I kept it mostly for the electric type attacks to counter the water types that had given me trouble up until getting it, because it has such a low special attack compared to its other stats, and its useless ability of Plus.

For the Fire Nation team, what surprised me was the low number of use able Pokemon and the lack of variety throughout the run. I dropped Plusle and Minun, but still had two other pure electric types. It was even the lack of dual-types I couldn't use, just none came through. Luckily, using mostly Electric and Fire types managed to get me out of most problems. May's Mudkip and its evolutions were problematic every time I battled her, since it had an advantage over everything and Poochyena/Mightyena's Ice Fang only did neutral damage. I was hoping overall for a bit more variety, especially for more Dark and Dragon types that I could use.

I would absolutely do these challenges again, especially with Wonder Trade. It is fun to replay games I love with a new twist, and who knows what kind of teams I could end up with!

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