Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Fashionista's of Evil

I have made some decisions about the team, and who will continue on the team and who won't. Marowak, Pancham, and Diggersby won't be continuing. They just don't have the power or bulk to keep up with everyone else, and there isn't anything they can do that can't be covered elsewhere. I know I said Bunnelby/Diggersby was the starter for this run, but I'm going to go with Zangoose, which is the second Pokemon I recieved as the starter instead. I added Tyrogue hoping it would evolve into Hitmonchan to get additional coverage with its elemental punches. Luckily for me, that is exactly what happened! The rotation is now Zangoose, Hitmonchan, Sawk, Machamp, Hippowdon, Klinklang, Lucario, and Gigalith.

After defeating Olympia and obtaining our 7th gym badge, we get a call on the Xtransiver or Poketech or whatever the phone in these games is called, and its Lysandre! Before I can ask what products he uses in his hair, he tells everyone he's going to activate an ancient weapon and end the world.

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Because who could have seen that coming? 

After flying back to Lumiose City and going to his cafe, which was a front for his evil lair all along! 

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Once we take the secret elevator all the way down to the secret base and Lysandre greets us, and because I play this game to battle super-powered monsters that's exactly what we do! 

Image result for lysandre pokemon

The entirety of  my team is weak to either Fighting or Water attacks, his Mienfoo and Gyarados gave me quite a bit of grief. However, I powered through and managed to defeat him! 

He then leaves me alone to explore his secret base, because I guess he has other things to do than stopping me from saving the world. Going in and exploring, we find and defeat some grunts and his Science Ladies. 

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We eventually make it to the lower levels, where Lysandre is seen taunting AZ. Then I defeat Xerosic, and push a button that activates the Ultimate Weapon. 

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Now I have to go to Geosenge Town and stop at their OTHER secret base. So off I go! Arriving in Geosenge Town, the buildings are knocked on there side and we follow the one lonely road leading out of town and to the mysterious stone structure. We enter the secret door and go down the secret elevator and enter the secret lab. We battle Lysandre again, and lose. To his Mienshao, and just his Mienshao. After rearranging my teams order, I manage to defeat him! Then I go down the other secret hallway with Calem and Shawna. We engange in battles with several Pitbull's and his backup dancers.

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Defeating all of them, we wake up Xerneas from its nap, and catch it in the Master Ball because I can't use it, it goes to the box. Then, Lysandre, again appears for one final showdown!!! 

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In whatever this is

Because of the lessons from my last battle with him, I manage to defeat him in one go! Then he cries, and his machine breaks apart and buries his secret lab. He doesn't run out with everyone else, so he's definitely dead. 

But there's no time to mourn, I have a final badge to get! 

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