Monday, September 9, 2019

The Fire Sages

With Avatar Roku and his master Fire Benders beside him, this is his team!

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Uncle Iroh, the Dragon of the West 

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Zuko, the Wandering Prince 

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Ty Lee

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Mai, the Brooding Noble 

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Master Piandao

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I named Mightyena after Uncle Iroh, because he was the first member of the team and kind of fills the older, wiser mentor roll. Luxray I named after Zuko because of the ever changing hair. Pyroar I named after Ty Lee because of the matching hair, and lions are commonly associated with circuses. Houndoom I named after Mai, to match her brooding personality. I thought about naming Pyroar after her but didn't because Houndoom's dark typing matches with the darker, more goth characteristics more in line with Mai that Ty Lee. I named Manectric Piandao because of his lightning fast sword strikes. He's also one of my favorite minor characters. Druddigon, the mighty dragon I named after Roku's dragon in the show. And Electrode is named Lee, because there's a million Lee's. 

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