Thursday, September 6, 2018

Magnificent 6 (Sun)

Starting in the new play through in Pokemon Sun, is the Set 6 Team that I get through Wonder Trade. A quick run through of these rules in a bit more detail before diving fully in.

At the beginning, must start with 6 Pokemon, all received through Wonder Trade. Those are the six I must complete the game with. No other pokemon can be used.

The Pokemon cannot be repeated either from the previous run through, or again on this team.

All the pokemon received must be under level 15, that way I can actually use it right away.

For this run, I'll still catch and Wonder Trade stuff, mostly just to see if I get something cool, like Shiny's or Legendary Pokemon or something. Plus, its just a fun part of the game. Non of them I'll be able to use for anything, unless its a starter for the Starter Team that I feel will have trouble maxing out its potential.

With the rules laid out lets start this baby!

Image result for the adventure begins spyro

Because of the Wonder Trade mechanic being such a big part of this and this team also being made up exclusively of Pokemon from Wonder Trade, I decided to name my character Diana. 

Image result for wonder woman
That's why 

I began this game with a Popplio to trade over to the Starter Team. I use almost exclusively that to boost its level a little bit before trading it off. The only exception was against Hau's Pichu when I used a Yungoos and a Caterpie. 

After the Iki Town Festival and saving Lillie from the falling bridge and getting the Rotom Dex, I can finally trade! I get Popplio over to Moon for a Growlithe. I also caught a Caterpie, two Yungoos, and two Pikipek to trade. First to go is Growlithe, for which I get a Gastly that will serve as the starter Pokemon for this run. 

Image result for gastly

For the two Pikipek, I got an Alolan Meowth and an Aerodactyl. 

Image result for alolan meowthImage result for aerodactyl

For the two Yungoos, I received an Alolan Rattata and a Beautifly. 

Image result for alolan rattataImage result for beautifly

And finally for Caterpie, I got an Eevee! 

Image result for eevee

I decided to evolve Eevee into Glaceon because I feel that it will help provide the most coverage for what's lacking from other parts of the team. I also considered Vaporeon since they can both learn Ice-type attacks and Water-type attacks, and I think I can cover Glaceon's weaknesses better. We'll find out if I'm right or not as we move forward! 

With the Team set and the trainers on Route 1 taken care of, we are ready to move onto the Pokemon Trainer's School! 

Image result for university of hawaii
An investment in education is an 
investment in the future! 

They weren't to difficult and we moved on to exploring Hau'oli City proper. Eventually, I made my way to the Marina where I met Ilima and had my first encounter with Team Skull! 

Image result for team skull hau'oli marina

After we chase off Grunt A and Grunt B, Ilima decides to see if I'm ready to face his Trial at Verdant Cavern, and it turns out I am. Hooray. 

Moving through Route 2 and beating all of the trainers on the main path and in the cemetery, I come across the Berry Farm, where the two Grunts from the Marina are harassing the Berry Farmer, so I case them off again and reach the Verdant cavern! 

Image result for verdant cavern

The difference between Moon and this version, is that the Trial Pokemon are Yungoos and Gumshoos. 

Image result for yungoos and gumshoos

Otherwise, the trial functions the same. The two grunts show up and again help corner the pokemon in only a couple of the burrows. The battle this time with the Totem Gumshoos was a little harder than against the Raticate from before because I didn't have a Pokemon with high attack stat and a super effective move. Gastly's Perish Song took care of Gumshoos and its ally Yungoos, though. 

After words, Kukui arrives and tells us that he lost track of Lillie. Next time, we will continue to explore Melemele Island and beyond! 

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