Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Rest of Melemele...and Beyond (Sun)

Leaving the Verdant Cavern, I head into Melemele Meadow to retrieve Lillie and Nebby. 

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It's a really nice meadow. 
Unless you have allergies

One of the things I really like about doing one of the original Generation 7 games and one of the later spin-offs is the differences between the two. For example, there's no Seaside Cavern in this version, and Nebby's just chilling at the back of the meadow. 

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It makes finding it pretty uneventful in comparison 

It's definitely one of the more fun aspects of doing both of these at the same time. 

Exiting the meadow, we are challenged by Hau! 

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He's just so adorable, thinking he can beat me 

After walloping him (again), I continue to travel Route 3 and beat all of the trainers and get the Red Card from the Ace Trainer. With Route 3 complete, it's time to return to Iki Town and challenge the Kahuna of Melemele Island! 

Image result for hala pokemon

Half of my team, Rattata, Meowth, and Glaceon are all weak to his fighting type Pokemon. On the other hand, Aerodactyl, Beautifly, and Gastly all have an advantage, which balances the whole thing out. 

And then Aerodactyl sweeps his whole team. 

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So majestic 

From Hala, we get the page caller and can call on Tauros to smash rocks! And after running around the Island smashing all the rocks for new areas and items, its off to the Marina! At the Marina, Hau, Lillie and Kukui also board the boat, and we sail to Heahea City! 

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At the dock, we are greeted by Olivia and Mallow. Mallow tells us about her trial off in the Lush Jungle. Hau runs off ahead to challenge it, and Lillie and Kukui go off to do their own thing. I prepare to head off to the Jungle, where we play fun and games! 

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