Saturday, September 1, 2018

Ultra Megalopolis

After Necrozma disappears, Lillie begs for me to go save Nebby, which of course I was gonna do.

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Who wouldn't want to save that face? 

The Ultra Recon Squad once again arrives, and says that they have a way to follow Necrozma into the Wormholes, and reveal their transportation method. 

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This guy 

Solgaleo. The freaking Poke-god of the Sun. It  makes suns, that's what it does how do you live in a world of darkness when you have a Pokemon that can make a sun whenever it wants? Also, why have you been battling with Poipole when you have this thing? Solgaleo learns Crunch, which is the move Salamence used to beat Necrozma! It shouldn't be a challenge to keep it from absorbing all the light! But then again Necrozma absorbed Lunala like it was nothing, so maybe there's more to it than that. 

Anyway, after a brief tutorial of how to move around in Ultra Space, I get my own snazzy Recon suit and hop on Solgaleo and off we go! 

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After landing in a couple of places in the Ultra Wilds, I eventually make it to Ultra Megalopolis and meet the other two members of the Ultra Recon Squad. 

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They tell me that Necrozma returned, and is at the top of the Tower in the center of town. 

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I think I see it, but I'm not sure 

Moving forward to the top of the tower, I'm greeted by Necrozma again. 

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It looks a little different than before. 
More giant and less people sized. 

I beat it with a single move last time, so hard can this time be? And after it defeats all six of my Pokemon with one attack each, I have my answer, much harder that I anticipated. I can't actually remember the last time a Legendary Pokemon was able to clean the floor with my team so easily. After recovering, taking a moment I go back and do the exact same thing with the exact same result. I'm going to have to get stronger for this, which means it's time for my least favorite thing about these games, leveling up against wild Pokemon. 

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Known in the gaming world as grinding 

So off to the Ancient Poni Path to train. While there I caught a Shiny Furfrou, which I'm going to keep. But even more exciting, Absol learned a move that can beat Necrozma! 

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Perish Song! 

Perish Song will defeat Necrozma in three turns, meaning it'll faint before it can take out my whole team! To make sure Absol will be able to get the move off, I give it the Focus Sash, and return to Ultra Megalopolis. 

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Ready for Round 5? 

Necrozma did get the first attack off on Absol, but the Focus Sash does its job and leaves Absol with 1 HP and its able to use Perish Song! Even better, for every turn Perish Song is in effect, Absol toughs out Necrozma's attacks and hangs in there! 

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Alola's real hero 

Necrozma then vanishes into another Wormhole and the Ultra Recon Squad thanks me for my hard work. They then send me back to the Altar of the Moone, where everyone goes on their separate way, and Mina arrives and says that I can start her trial now. 

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Oh right, those 

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